How To develop an Android App

  How To develop an Android App

The word hotcake often eludes me but if what it means, is what I am about to imply then, Android programming is a hot cake right now. The reasons are so obvious;
Number of available applications in the Google Play Store, 2009-2017
1.It’s now less difficult to become a developer. Why? The tools are readily accessible and help is all around you. As of last year there are about 2.8 billion android apps available now, let’s assume they are brainchildren of one human out of the 7 billion people on earth (roughly) then that means 2 out every people on the planet has an app!

Chart of android app revenue

2.It’s very lucrative. I am not saying creating app will automatically make you Bill Gates, no, far from that. Over sixteen percent of android developers make $5000 a month, although this is a rough estimation this should give an idea on what is happening so, yeah if you put you back into it you might become the next Zuckerberg who knows?

  • ·     Do you know a programming language? For those who already know what developing an app entails might regard this as an unnecessary question, but when I started out I didn’t even know what a programming language. For the sake those like as was, let me explain further. There a lot of programming languages, FORTRAN, C++, Pearl etc. but among them I would personally recommend Java or C++, if not both. The next absolute requirement is to learn a markup language, primarily XML.

  • ·     What app do you want to create? Whatever your motives are its absolutely necessary you know what you want and the borderline to this is your ingenuity and creativity. There is no standard way of building an app, there be a few things that procedural but one goal can be achieved through many means as such knowing exactly what you won’t do will spur you to find a better way achieve your goals.

  • ·     Do you have plan? This is a question we ignore to answer. The fact is, developing android app will be a bit ore smooth if you figure how and when you want finish the project. Listen, dividing task in various sections will, make the task look less huge. This will allow to draw a proper schedule   and research each task carefully.

  • ·     Have you chosen a language? If you know just a single language then this section can be skipped .Each language carries its own merits and demerits as such various languages are ideal for different situations. I cannot recommend one for you but hit me up in the comment section with you app and we can determine which language better suits it.

  • ·     Have you chosen and IDE (Integrated Development Environment)? For beginners, it’s basically the software that takes some of the pain out of app development. It is a software that consolidates basic tools needed to write and test a software (Read more here)There a lot of ides capable of android software development .I have only tried a handful and I believe I would choose android development studio over anyone any day. I am not being biased, any developer who has used this has nothing but marvelous things to say about this ide and I am no exception. There a few which will suffice. Then again it depends on you to select criteria for choosing one but for beginners I will recommend android studio.
    Android Studio

In all android development is a wonderful experience for those who find joy in learning and if you really enthusiastic about it will really help learn other amazing things plus it something you can brag about. I hope you find this helpful .Don’t forget to post a comment for us to know you did. Till you next post adios

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